From: Ken Oliphant <>
To: William Swadling <>
CC: MACQUEEN Hector <>
Date: 24/12/2015 08:43:22 UTC
Subject: Re: Xmas diversion - comparative torts

One of my very favourite pieces and actually a great suggestion in this context. I'd initially thought that the comparative content wasn't sufficient for my purposes, but I'm coming round to thinking that the theme of 'comparative reflections on the Common Law of torts' might be a good one to explore.

Best wishes

Ken Oliphant
Professor of Tort Law
University of Bristol Law School
Wills Memorial Building
Queens Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ 

Tel: +44 (0)117 954 5347

On 23 December 2015 at 20:51, William Swadling <> wrote:

How about ‘Torticles’, by Bernard Rudden 6/7 Tul. Civ. L.F. 105 (1991-1992)?




From: MACQUEEN Hector []
Sent: 23 December 2015 16:59
To: Ken Oliphant;
Subject: Re: Xmas diversion - comparative torts


Dear Ken


Catala and Weir “Delict and Torts: A Study in Parallel”, Tulane LR 1962-65 (4 parts)?






Hector L MacQueen FBA FRSE

Professor of Private Law

University of Edinburgh Law School

Old College

South Bridge

Edinburgh EH8 9 YL


Currently working at the Scottish Law Commission tel (0)131-662-5222


From: Ken Oliphant <>
Sent: 23 December 2015 14:43
Subject: ODG: Xmas diversion - comparative torts


Dear all


Having been asked to nominate a list of classic comparative tort law articles for a forthcoming anthology, I thought it might be interesting to see what suggestions list members might come up with. So, which are your particular favourites?


Festive wishes



Ken Oliphant

Professor of Tort Law

University of Bristol Law School

Wills Memorial Building

Queens Road

Bristol BS8 1RJ

University of Bristol - person profile - About the School - Professor Ken Oliphant -

